Matrix Addition, Multiplication & Transpose

Program to display matrix addition, multiplication and transpose in C++


void main()
          int a[10][10],b[10][10],c[10][10],i,j,k,r,co;
          cout<<"\nEnter No. of Rows :: ";
          cout<<"\nEnter No. of Columns :: ";
          cout<<"\nEnter First Matrix Elements :";

                              cout<<"\nEnter Element :: ";
          cout<<"\nEnter Second Matrix Elements :";

                              cout<<"\nEnter Element :: ";

          for(i=0;i<r;i++)         // nested loop for matrix addition
          cout<<"\n\nFirst Matrix :: \n";


          cout<<"\n\nSecond Matrix :: \n";
          cout<<"\n\nAddition Matrix :: \n";
          if(r==co)  // if no. of rows of first matrix is equal to no. of cols of second matrix
                    for(i=0;i<r;i++)    // nested loop for matrix multiplication
                    cout<<"\n\nMultiplication Matrix :: \n";
                    cout<<"\n\nMatrix Multiplication not possible.";

          for(i=0;i<r;i++)      // Loop to find transpose of matrix c
          cout<<"\n\nTranspose of above Matrix :: \n";


Enter No. Of Rows :: 2
Enter No. Of Column :: 2

Enter First Matrix Element :
Enter Element:: 1
Enter Element:: 2
Enter Element:: 3
Enter Element:: 4

Enter Second Matrix Element:
Enter Element:: 1
Enter Element:: 2
Enter Element:: 3
Enter Element:: 4

First Matrix ::
          1          2
          3          4

Second Matrix ::
          1          2
          3          4

Addition Matrix ::
          2          4
          6          8

Multiplication Matrix ::
          7          10
          15          22

Transpose Of Above Matrix ::
          7          15
          10          22


Firoz Memon

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